Renew the house with renovation and expansion

Siegel family home
Siegel family home

Remaking the house in which we live is no different from the changes we go through in our family unit or social circles. Each and every one of us is renewing, evolving and growing. That's the essence of the main thing.

Renovating or expanding a house with the addition of construction gives the house many qualities.
The most immediate and clear quality of all is, of course, increasing the area of the house and creating a new space for comfortable functioning in the building.
The need to expand the built-up space is due to various reasons such as increasing the family, moving to work from home, the need for more personal space, and also changes in lifestyle following an accident or old age, etc.
But increasing the area in itself has no emotional significance, but mainly an economic advantage.

As an architect, I place great emphasis on the same qualities and emotional values that any change in space or structure can provoke. I think the sense of renewal that entails the renovation of an existing building is the most important of all.

Ogen Family Home - Yeshiva Counter
Ogen Family Home – View of the dining area

As we enter the process of renovation and expansion, we destroy some of the existing ones and create something new. I believe that there must be a harmonious relationship between the old and the new, and the characteristics of the house in which we live must be preserved, our identity as people and family while bringing about change and refreshment.

I have always aspired to carry out "simple planning" in homes undergoing renovation or expansion.
One that is almost imperceptible, which gives the feeling that this is always what the house looks like, and constitutes a continuous continuation of the existing spaces. A change that preserves the unique character of the owners of the house, and creates within it all the experiences and memories that have passed over the years, and have been absorbed between the walls.

That's who I am, there's a tremendous power in simplicity and authenticity.
In the course of my work, I realized that every detail or element of the house has meaning. Meaning for the household, and it is very important not to lose the same way.
Today, I feel excited by the creation of a whole new system with my clients, especially when I know that the change that has been made adds value in the form of excitement, joy, space, happiness and more.

There is an additional layer that gives value to the planning of the renovation or expansion, and it is deeper and more private.
He's also an integral part of my path as a planner, and he's intertwined with everything I do.
Intervention in an existing structure is likened to surgical action for me. It is necessary to 'cut in the flesh' and intervene in the most intimate places of the people – my clients.
Renovating the house through renovation and expansion gives meaning to the change that will happen, and allows people to also make a journey or regeneration themselves.
It's exciting for me every time, to see this change.
I invite you to make a change in the house with a renovation or expansion, and to embark on an amazing journey that will make many changes in you as well.

Fletcher-Harlequin Family Home, Magal
Fletcher-Harlequin Family Home, Magal

What the home renewal service includes with renovation and expansion:

Check the characteristics and needs, requirements, desires and requests of the family

  • Check the family's characteristics and needs
  • Planning from understanding their situation and the changes the family has undergone
  • Adapting the existing home to changes or needs of the family, and future lifestyle changes
  • Reference to the existing structure and its limitations
  • Redesigning the interior of the house with full sharing of the family
Rahmani Family Home, Regavim
Rahmani Family Home, Regavim

Set or determine the amount of money earmarked for a project

  • Building a budget for a project with a budget
  • Avoiding financial irregularities as much as possible
  • Meeting a budget provides economic security and peace of mind

Construction of a planning program – roadmap for planning

  • Summary of all components of the house physically and emotionally
  • Create an idea about appearance and home and the changes you will make to it

Designing different models for the home according to the wishes and desires of customers

  • Planning different alternatives to the apartment or home in full cooperation with the family
  • Examining limitations and constraints that can be created in the renewal of an existing structure
  • Create the best final plan that includes the entire home design

Issuing work plans for tendering contractors and for the actual execution of the project

  • Preparing detailed work plans according to which the renovation will be carried out
  • Holding a tender between different construction contractors to get the best quote
  • Guiding the family and guiding it throughout the renovation process
Elkayam Family Home, Matan
Elkayam Family Home Rules Mirror

Supreme supervision of the construction process

  • Comprehensive supervision throughout the construction process
  • Monitoring and auditing the construction stages
  • Accompanying the family during the renovation with the contractor, and until the completion of the project

This is in a nutshell of home renovation in ten renovations and expansions
For a more detailed explanation and to schedule a meeting,
Call me: 050-9847484 or 077-7020014
87/1 Yehezkel St., Pardes Hanna

Sample project:

For more information on the contents of the planning package, you can read in The Planning of Private Homes , even if it is planning an addition to an existing home.

Contact us to coordinate a consultation

    For more information and details, fill in the details on the form and get back to you as soon as possible

    The Litov Family Home - General Appearance

    Expand a private home

    The expansion of the house can be reflected, as the addition of a room or several rooms to the house. Both as an addition of a floor, and as the addition of a meter, also expanding an existing floor or closing a balcony in favor of adding a single room, is an extension of a house.

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