Easy construction

View of a steel skeleton under light construction

Following many conversations with families interested in building with easy construction methods, I have noticed that sometimes people do not really understand what this concept means.

This time, I deal with the issue of light construction more widely, and presented it as a whole.

I wrote the article in two parts, in order to make some order in this whole mess.

In the first part I will tell you about the light construction and we will go down together to the different resolutions that characterize it.
In the second part of the article, I will detail my 'role in power' as an expert architect on this subject.

Methods and building materials – insulated panels

Who said that building a house requires a clumsy construction of concrete blocks? Today, there are easy and simple solutions that save us from the heavy and cumbersome structural skeleton. In the easy construction methods you can see how the use of industrial materials saves the long duration of work in the construction of the skeleton, and the clumsy result in the field. Among the many construction methods ...

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