Planning small vacation rentals

Vacation Home in Florida

The vacation rental market is one of the fastest growing real estate markets in the world.
Any small apartment can be turned into a temporary B&B or guest apartment.
If necessary, it can also be rented out, in long-term rentals, for a fixed economic profit.

Tiny houses – is it really cheaper?

Tiny Houses

It's not a 'fashion trend' to live in a small house.
or by the foreign name Tiny Houses
In many countries of the world, people choose to live sparingly.
For various reasons. Some are ideological, some are economic, and some are related to different characteristics of their way of life.
In Israel, many people turn to me to find out the construction costs of tiny homes.
The main reason for choosing this way of life is in order to reduce the costs of living – the cost of living, and hence the costs of building the project.
But if I look at the construction budget costs of these types of projects, I'm not at all sure they're cheaper.

Israeli cuisine – size does not determine, but order and organization

Rahmani Family Home, Regavim - Kitchen

If our kitchen is big, then why do we feel like we don't have enough room to get our seats on our back?
Families want a big kitchen, with lots of work areas, and lots of storage spaces.
So why are many families, whose kitchens are small? How can we improve the situation?
You have to rearrange, sort and even throw away everything we don't need or use.

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